Easily Book Reservations and Schedule Day To Day Operations From any Laptop or Mobile Device
Lodge Tree Is a Custom Online Cloud Based Lodge Management system that allows you to manage all Lodge operations in one place from anywhere. Booking a reservation, Automated Client Communications, Staff Scheduling, On Site Point of Sale and so much more. Lodge Tree is specifically built for the adventure lodge accommodating multi day guests. We can customize your Lodge Tree System to meet the needs of any Lodge and help you operate more efficiently.
An entire week at a glanceone click changes and updates at your fingertips
LodgeTree's unique Current Week viewer keeps you in the know about who's coming, what they need, where they are going, status of payments, what documents have been sent and what needs a signature... all viewable and editable with one click from the main page.
booking and automated guest communication
Imagine being able to operate your entire lodge from a computer, Tablet, or Phone from anywhere in the world. Manage your guest reservations with automated communication and confirmation email and text to guests.
- Input a new reservation from anywhere, allow guests to input reservation details online
- Invoice new guests and easily accept payment and deposits online
- Automatically communicate with guests by sending automated forms, documents, contracts, and reminders
- Allow your customers to fill out disclaimers, contracts, rental forms, and travel documents. Then return them to you online.
- Track these communications and automatically send confirmations, reminders, and general information.
Keep your staff informedwith custom schedules and calendars
Keep all of your staff from your guides to kitchen staff informed in real time. Our Custom Schedule Application is an activity planner as well as guest management tool.
- Easy to use Calendar tracks Reservation and guest activity schedules.
- Print weekly one-sheets and deliver to staff for info on all guests and their needs
- View weekly or daily calendars to internally schedule guest activities and share with staff mobile devices
- Notify staff by text of important updates